Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Soldiers Story (1984)

The film shows a variety of racism that African Americans had to face in the mid 1940’s. The film does not only show racism from whites to blacks but also blacks to blacks. Some of the most hated words come from the black sergeant himself. Black stereotypes could be seen in every character. The film highlights C.J. an illiterate, simple character who clashes with Sergeant Waters, who has great black pride but he also resents the black men he feels are hurting the race. I feel these two characters are great in contrast and the tension between the two add a lot to the ideas the film is trying to get through.
What I learned most from the film is about this character Waters. Never seeing an African American who is portrayed this way has opened up my eyes. I enjoyed the character, not what he stood for but how the film-shed light on the racism African American men had to deal with at this time. I found the characterization to be superb. He was a light skin man who was given a little power from the white man and ran with it. His name even implies purity as water is known as a pure element.

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